PoliteMail Ideas

We want to hear from you!  What features or improvements would you like to see in PoliteMail?  Send us your ideas and we’ll consider them for future releases. 

Changes to Manage Subscriptions Page

Dear PoliteMail Team,

We would like to share feedback from various colleagues in regard to the subscription process - leading to questions and not clear enough from a user perspective.

Would it be possible to change this on the web site to enhance our user experience?

Link Subscriptions (softwareag.com) as it is now - File Subscribe1

Here you just simply enter your email address (it does not matter whether you tick the box or not and the box does not reflect my status, the box is hence only irritating.) Can this be changed like this? - File Subscribe2

The text of the email that arrives should relate to the action. I do not verify my email. When clicking on “Verify” it is generating a token where I can finally manage my subscriptions, tick or untick the box and update - File Subscribe3 and 4

Best regards,


  • Guest
  • Sep 26 2022
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Marlena Cahill commented
    3 Oct, 2022 12:27pm

    Hi, Andrea. I'll share this feedback with the Development Team.