PoliteMail Ideas

We want to hear from you!  What features or improvements would you like to see in PoliteMail?  Send us your ideas and we’ll consider them for future releases. 

Passive reload of data in certain grids

Some feedback on the template grid received that essentially stated that the grids do not have a passive reload should new data be added. Instead they are forced to reload the form manually or navigate in and out of that form.

Specifically, their use case is say they are making a template and they save the template from the New Email window, and they have their inbox on another screen with the template grid displayed, it should know the data has changed and to perform a reload to show these new values.

The feature is simply devise a simple way to perform a passive reload of the data/form should the user navigate back to the inbox while a message is still open, or if the message is closed. This will be highly dependent on Inspector logic to detect when to perform the reload. Alternatively, there could be a passive threshold to refresh some of the grids when not in focus.

  • PoliteMail Paige
  • Jan 19 2024
  • Future consideration
  • Jan 19, 2024

    Admin response

    Internally submitted idea.

  • Attach files